Thursday, March 11, 2010


I can't seem to stop yawning today. It is also making my eyes water, helping my contacts but not my mascara. If you see me today with some random black streaks under my eyes, you could tell me if you are feeling nice. Or if you are feeling like most people in the world, you could just laugh at me and walk away. Its ok. I would understand. Another problem with that is that yawning is contagious, so now the people around me are yawning, therefore sending it back to me, and so on and so forth. It is an incurable curse. *yawn*...
I am still ranging. I haven't even touched a cone yet. I really hope saying that hasn't jinxed anything or anything, since tonight is the actual test part of it. Hmm... Maybe I should delete what I just wrote up there. Oh well. I already said it, so it is too late now. Plus I am just lazy. My last two partners have been Jake Mecham and this kid named Koi, but I don't know if that is how you spell it, or even what his last name is. They have both been pretty nice, but last night with Koi it was really awkward. We didn't say anything at all until 7:30, then we said about a sentence each (to learn each other's names) by 8:00 or so. Then we finally started talking more, and by the end of the night it was slightly less awkward. It is just kind of bad to sit in a car for a half hour in dead silence. Well, I guess there was a radio, but you couldn't tell if it was country, metal, or the instructor guy talking. It kind of sucked. But it was pretty fun with Jake. I hadn't ever talked to him before, but he has been in my math class like a seat or two away all year. He is pretty cool.
But yeah, I just hope I don't drag any cones tonight, like my friend Tiffany did a night or two ago.

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