Friday, April 23, 2010

Daughtry Concert

So, this might be a little weirder than normal, since I am running on about 2-5 hours of sleep. Sorry if it is, just try to ignore it.
Yesterday was the Daughtry concert that I have been super excited for for weeks. I went with my friend Nicole and her brother Andy, and my mom. First we walked across the street and ate at Applebees. It was pretty delish. During the meal there were like twenty TVs and most all of them were on different channels. The one most visible to me was a REALLY boring one about a few guys discussing the bad economy. If I had been watching it I would have died of boredom... There was also one that kept saying stuff like "Save the tigers!" and stuff like that for earth day. There was also the world's strongest man competition. We watched that whenever we weren't talking. It was pretty funny.
Then we went to the concert. It amazed me how many people were drinking. I wonder how many of them had to drive home after? I don't even want to know. But when it finally started, it was this weirdo opening band thing called Cavo. They weren't really bad, but I won't say they were good. After they finally left, Lifehouse came on. This was pretty amazing. I only have one of their songs, but I have wanted more for a while.
Then finally, Daughtry. I have to say, it was awesome. He was super good, and he sang tons of great songs. Well, I like most all his songs, so my opinion doesn't count. But it was SOOOOO awesome!!
Then we got home around midnight and I had to put the finishing touches on my history project. So, I didn't get a chance to sleep much. But it was totally worth it! Well, Daughtry and Lifehouse were, anyway.

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