Friday, February 26, 2010

Life in General

So, my grades have improved somewhat, and I am quite happy about it. No change in math though. :( But after missing lunch on Wednesday to take the history test I had missed, I got my grade in that class back up to what it was before - an A-. Which just so happens to be what I got on the test. In Driver's Ed, apparently she forgot to tell me about a little thing called a test review that also just so happened to count for points. Whoops. She still hasn't put it in the computer. My grade in that class at the moment is a B+, but it may go down, depending on how much points it is worth. My guess is that it will drop to a B or a B-. Not very fun.
In other news, I am not nearly as tired this week. I have taken a few two hour naps, and it is very good. The bad news is, I have a cold. Ugh. But it is starting to slowly disappear. My nose is only slightly stuffy, but I have a cough now. I swear, I get a cold at least once a month. I haven't had the stomach flu for years, but I ALWAYS get colds. They are always just enough to be incredibly annoying and disgusting, but almost never enough to get me out of school. I guess that could be a good thing, considering my grades, but still. Is it too much to ask to just go one month without a cold?

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