Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Need for Speed

So, on Saturday after my ward's basketball game (which we won) I went driving with my parents. Both of them at the same time. I don't know if that was a good idea, since my dad kept teasing me and my mom was trying to get him to stop and trying to keep me from freaking out. It wasn't working all that well. I made a small mistake, and I started to drive home because I didn't really want to kill anyone that day. My dad pretty much forced me to turn around and go onto Geneva Road. That is faster than I have ever gone. Both of my parents agreed that I was a better driver so far than any of the other kids.
I finally got off Geneva and started to head home, but then I suggested getting a reward for my good driving and my parents said yes. So I drove to Ridley's and got one, then I went home.
That is another thing. What the crap is with Ridley's? What was wrong with Albertsons? I know some people bought it up, but I don't think they should have. I liked Albertsons. Of course, Maceys is still the best, but they had some good things at Albertsons.
So, no more ghetto Albertsons brand cereal or whatever. How sad!

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