Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine Weekend

So, I feel like such a smart person. Sunday was Valentine's Day, and I didn't even know until I got to church and my Young Women's leader wished me happy Valentine's Day. It took me a while to register that she was talking about that day. After that it seemed obvious. Tons of people were wearing purple, red, and pink. Also black, for some reason. Pretty much everyone had something black on, including me. I was wearing a purple shirt too, so I blended pretty well. We even got Valentine's treats at the end of the lesson.
Yesterday my 16-month-old niece was over. She was being super cute. She went into Shawn's room and got out the Spiderman book that she likes, and was able to point him out on every page. She has gotten quite good at it. She calls him Nanan. Ryan also has a singing/dancing Spiderman that sings "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." She knows the actions and she does them. It is so funny.
On Saturday she came over too, and it was so funny what she did. I was laying on my mom's bed, and she came over, so I lifted her up by me, and she plopped down face down like I had been. It looked like her arm was stuck underneath her, so I said, "Avalyn, is your arm stuck?" And she lifted her other arm up as high as it would go and started laughing. I started laughing too, and she came and started climbing all over me. After that she was pointing out stuff, like eyes and nose and ears and whatnot. When she is pointing out her own eyes, she just jabs both fingers right in her eyes, but when she shows other people their eyes, she is all gentle and slow and soft. She barely touches you. It is funny. She is so sweet!

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