Tuesday, January 19, 2010

7 Days of Love

So for Journalism, I am doing 7 days of Suffering with some people in my class. We are doing 7 different days of Valentineish stuff. For example, we have these days already:

  1. Talk only in conversation hearts
  2. Eat only heart-shaped food when possible
  3. Do not talk talk to people of the opposite gender unless you HAVE to
  4. Pass out valentines/hearts to everyone you talk to
  5. Hug 20 different people for three seconds
As you can see, we still need 2 more days. If you have any ideas, please say so. We need your helpful input (however much it makes me suffer).
One of these next days I need to get more sleep. I went to bed late last night, then got up an hour earlier than usual. I got up to watch Chuck, the best show of all time. It was so freaking intense!!! I think everyone who has not seen it NEEDS TO WATCH IT. I'm not even kidding. Everyone I know who has seen it has loved it, and thinks it is amazing, just like me, even though I probably love it more.
Anyways, until next a-day.


Lady GaGa said...

You need to see this Dwan...


Em said...

What does that have to do wiht anything? And as usual, He did it better than Lady Gaga, ugh! She is disgusting.