Friday, January 8, 2010

New Semester!

So, today is the last day of this term, and all I have to say about it is, "Hallelujah!" I do not have great grades, and my parents are not happy about it, as they have told me on multiple occasions. I finally got my grade in math up to a B, but it could definitely be better. I have a Chemistry paper to turn in after school, but I don't know how much difference that will make. Hopefully it will get my grade up from a C to at least a C+. I don't know if it will happen yet, but I'm hoping. My grade in English also went up slightly, and I'm hoping it will go up more soon. Some grades I cannot fix, and I guess that is just too bad. My New Year's resolution is to get better grades, and get above a 3.5. I really hope I can do it and stop procrastinating.

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