Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So, today I got up insanely early to go to the driving office place to get my learner's permit. I made it safely there, I got in line and saw one of my friends getting his license, and then waited in line forever. Then I got my picture taken and whatnot, and then finally, I got a card and sat in a chair for half an hour. It was incredibly fun, let me just tell you. Finally, they called my number (Which was 007, by the by.... pretty cool, and an interesting coincidence) and I got up and this guy checked my birth certificate, Social security number, etc. and I took an eye test. I felt so smart when I couldn't find the flashing lights that check your peripheral vision forever. Then I realized I was looking in the completely wrong place. It was great. Then finally I took the test and got 84% on it.... I could have done better, I know, but it was just so early! Anyways, I got my permit, and in my picture, I look half asleep (which I was) and it was very amazing.
Next period I have Driver's ed, so it should be pretty nice. Especially if she asks who got their permit most recently. I'm pretty sure I'll be the one who answers there. It will be great, and watch out, Utah, I'm finally driving!!

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