Thursday, January 14, 2010

Driving Times 2

So, yesterday I actually got out on the roads, which was quite the experience for both me and my mother. I first just drove aimlessly in the stake center parking lot, then drove around the stake center a few times. I started freaking out when a car came up really close behind me, but my mom pointed out that it was probably because I was going about fifteen miles an hour. I sped up a little, which was kind of weird for me, since I had only been driving in parking lots for the last few times, but I finally mostly got the hang of it. Then my mom suggested I drive to my sister, Jenn's house. I had to either go on state street to do this, or cross state street and take the long way. Surprise, surprise, I chose to cross it and go the long way. There was another guy following me way too close, even though I was going exactly the speed limit. He was really starting to irritate me, and I was glad when he turned at a light, even though he was blocking my view for a while by pulling up way too far.
Anyway, I made it to my sister's without killing anyone, which is surprising, and we picked up my niece, and then my mom drove back, just because. I think it is illegal to drive other people other than my parents around. Plus, I really didn't want to kill Avalyn. I also drove to Young Women's and survived, and so did my mother.
In other news, at YW's we did yoga, and I found out that I am not flexible at all. But, I did a headstand, which I never ever thought I would do, and I was able to do some of the things that took more strength than flexibility. It was very intense.

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