Monday, January 25, 2010

The Weekend of Intenseness

Ok, so on Saturday, I got up and went to my Young Women's basketball game, which we lost horribly. I think the score at the end was 8-28 or something like that. The saddest thing was, it wasn't as bad as the week before. That game's score ended up being 4-40. I was the oldest person there and the second tallest, which is really saying something. For me to almost be the tallest girl in my ward is truly sad.
Anyways, after I got home and showered, I hung out with a few friends and built a wonderful house made out of snow. I rolled 5 giant snowballs, which I am still sore from, But the house ended up being very cool. There was an arching window on the side of the house. It had a lovely view of a dead-looking bush. After we did the outer walls, we made a couple benches and a shelf. It was amazing. After that we went inside and ate dinner, then we watched a fairly cheesy movie called Confessions of a Shopoholic, then we played spoons, which ended up being a showdown between me and my friend Connie. I had one end of a spoon, and she had another. It was very intense, and I ended up winning (of course).
So, a pretty intense weekend. I hope to visit my house sometime soon.

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