Friday, January 29, 2010

Life in General

So, last night I went with my dad to a place called JCW's to eat. It was very good, even if I cheated somewhat in my heart-shaped food goal. I just didn't want to publicly disgrace myself by hacking at my hamburger with a plastic knife in the attempt to make it into a heart. So, forgive me, but no.
After that we went to a romantic comedy called Leap Year. It was a very good movie, and I liked it a lot. Even my dad liked it, even if it was kind of a chic flick. It was funny and cute, and if I can scrape together twenty or so bucks, I will buy it whenever it comes out. It is really too bad my mom couldn't come though, it was totally her type of movie. I had fun anyway, though.
I drove to school today. I never want to drive, but once my mom forces me into the car and I get out on the road it is not all that bad. Now that I've said that I will probably crash and kill us all, but I certainly hope not. That would be pretty depressing.
So, my life is alright nowadays. Today is my last day of 7 days of suffering, too! Yes!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Overloading in Hearts

So, as many of you may know, I have been eating only heart-shaped food for four and a half days. I am starting to get irritated. This is starting to get ridiculous. I have been trying to find ways to kind of cheat, such as eating soup, or things like it, but I can only find so many ways out. Some of you may have reason to know that I can be very evasive when I don't want to do something. I can find a way out of just about any unpleasant thing. Some things I bring upon myself, but I do try to fix those myself, usually. But this is too much. I am going to try to endure, but if you see me secretly eating something shaped in any other way than a heart, don't tell anyone.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Weekend of Intenseness

Ok, so on Saturday, I got up and went to my Young Women's basketball game, which we lost horribly. I think the score at the end was 8-28 or something like that. The saddest thing was, it wasn't as bad as the week before. That game's score ended up being 4-40. I was the oldest person there and the second tallest, which is really saying something. For me to almost be the tallest girl in my ward is truly sad.
Anyways, after I got home and showered, I hung out with a few friends and built a wonderful house made out of snow. I rolled 5 giant snowballs, which I am still sore from, But the house ended up being very cool. There was an arching window on the side of the house. It had a lovely view of a dead-looking bush. After we did the outer walls, we made a couple benches and a shelf. It was amazing. After that we went inside and ate dinner, then we watched a fairly cheesy movie called Confessions of a Shopoholic, then we played spoons, which ended up being a showdown between me and my friend Connie. I had one end of a spoon, and she had another. It was very intense, and I ended up winning (of course).
So, a pretty intense weekend. I hope to visit my house sometime soon.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

7 Days of Suffering... Again

Well, the 7 days of suffering thing that was in my last post is not going to happen anymore. I actually am still doing it, but it is changed. As many of you know, I did 7 days of suffering last time, and it was one of the most horrible weeks of my life. For those of you I didn't complain to, I went vegan for a week. Ugh. But anyways, this time I am only going to eat valentines food/ heart-shaped food, starting tomorrow. For a whole week. I am planning on just carrying around a heart-shaped cookie cutter and cutting everything up that way. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with whatever doesn't fit into the cookie cutter. I guess I could always just wad it up into a heart-shaped blobby mass... Mmmmmm....
Yeah, I guess I'll just figure it out when it happens. It should be interesting. Anyways, if any of you see me at lunch or whenever staring at some random food clippings and looking slightly confused, you know what is going on.
All I am hoping for is that my parents don't decide to be nice and take me to a restaurant or something. but I wouldn't mind if they just waited a week! :)

(Hint, hint)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

7 Days of Love

So for Journalism, I am doing 7 days of Suffering with some people in my class. We are doing 7 different days of Valentineish stuff. For example, we have these days already:

  1. Talk only in conversation hearts
  2. Eat only heart-shaped food when possible
  3. Do not talk talk to people of the opposite gender unless you HAVE to
  4. Pass out valentines/hearts to everyone you talk to
  5. Hug 20 different people for three seconds
As you can see, we still need 2 more days. If you have any ideas, please say so. We need your helpful input (however much it makes me suffer).
One of these next days I need to get more sleep. I went to bed late last night, then got up an hour earlier than usual. I got up to watch Chuck, the best show of all time. It was so freaking intense!!! I think everyone who has not seen it NEEDS TO WATCH IT. I'm not even kidding. Everyone I know who has seen it has loved it, and thinks it is amazing, just like me, even though I probably love it more.
Anyways, until next a-day.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Driving Times 2

So, yesterday I actually got out on the roads, which was quite the experience for both me and my mother. I first just drove aimlessly in the stake center parking lot, then drove around the stake center a few times. I started freaking out when a car came up really close behind me, but my mom pointed out that it was probably because I was going about fifteen miles an hour. I sped up a little, which was kind of weird for me, since I had only been driving in parking lots for the last few times, but I finally mostly got the hang of it. Then my mom suggested I drive to my sister, Jenn's house. I had to either go on state street to do this, or cross state street and take the long way. Surprise, surprise, I chose to cross it and go the long way. There was another guy following me way too close, even though I was going exactly the speed limit. He was really starting to irritate me, and I was glad when he turned at a light, even though he was blocking my view for a while by pulling up way too far.
Anyway, I made it to my sister's without killing anyone, which is surprising, and we picked up my niece, and then my mom drove back, just because. I think it is illegal to drive other people other than my parents around. Plus, I really didn't want to kill Avalyn. I also drove to Young Women's and survived, and so did my mother.
In other news, at YW's we did yoga, and I found out that I am not flexible at all. But, I did a headstand, which I never ever thought I would do, and I was able to do some of the things that took more strength than flexibility. It was very intense.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So, today I got up insanely early to go to the driving office place to get my learner's permit. I made it safely there, I got in line and saw one of my friends getting his license, and then waited in line forever. Then I got my picture taken and whatnot, and then finally, I got a card and sat in a chair for half an hour. It was incredibly fun, let me just tell you. Finally, they called my number (Which was 007, by the by.... pretty cool, and an interesting coincidence) and I got up and this guy checked my birth certificate, Social security number, etc. and I took an eye test. I felt so smart when I couldn't find the flashing lights that check your peripheral vision forever. Then I realized I was looking in the completely wrong place. It was great. Then finally I took the test and got 84% on it.... I could have done better, I know, but it was just so early! Anyways, I got my permit, and in my picture, I look half asleep (which I was) and it was very amazing.
Next period I have Driver's ed, so it should be pretty nice. Especially if she asks who got their permit most recently. I'm pretty sure I'll be the one who answers there. It will be great, and watch out, Utah, I'm finally driving!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Semester!

So, today is the last day of this term, and all I have to say about it is, "Hallelujah!" I do not have great grades, and my parents are not happy about it, as they have told me on multiple occasions. I finally got my grade in math up to a B, but it could definitely be better. I have a Chemistry paper to turn in after school, but I don't know how much difference that will make. Hopefully it will get my grade up from a C to at least a C+. I don't know if it will happen yet, but I'm hoping. My grade in English also went up slightly, and I'm hoping it will go up more soon. Some grades I cannot fix, and I guess that is just too bad. My New Year's resolution is to get better grades, and get above a 3.5. I really hope I can do it and stop procrastinating.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Ok, so Christmas break was just barely. I stayed up past midnight on almost every night there was in the break. I slept in every morning except yesterday and today, yesterday because I had 9 o'clock church and had to get up early for it, and today because obviously I have school. It is disgusting! So I have been losing like six hours of sleep per night, and it is not very cool at all. I am going to die of sleep deprivation, because I don't have many breaks during third term, and they are all one day things. So I get to sit here and die. Maybe I will take a nap today, maybe it will take all day to do math and Chemistry. I don't know, but either way, one of these days I need to get my full amount of sleep!