Monday, December 21, 2009

Emily Needs... #2

Here is another edition of Emily needs. This time I searched on Bing.
Emily needs to read immediately!
Emily needs a dirty naughty boy
Emily needs your vote!!
Emily needs an apartment
Emily needs a middle name
Emily needs numbers because I am deleting facebook and myspace
Emily needs to shut her yap
Emily needs help!
Emily needs a haiku
Emily needs to wise up when she's older and sue her parents for being morons and not giving her the tools she needs to be successful adult.
Emily needs your prayers
Emily needs a bedroom makeover
Emily needs a llama
Emily needs attention
Emily needs a "tune-up"
Emily needs a ride at The Insider
Emily needs that outfit
Emily needs to read up on the law and realize that the Fair Housing Act dealt with the fact that you couldn't discriminate on the basis on race, gender, age, etc.
Emily needs to help to make her trip
Emily needs to be whipped into shape
Emily needs only one word to answer


So, I seem to be the only one in my entire Journalism class that already has a blog, so I am incredibly bored right now as I sit here messing around while they all make blogs.
One of these days I need to get enough sleep. I have been getting eight hours or less for about two weeks now. Good thing Christmas Break is in two days, then I can sleep in. If my mom wakes me up, I will not be happy.
I can't really think of much to write about today, so this post will probably be pretty boring. I am also super tired, so it could get weird.
So, we bought my dog Lola a sweater after her surgery because when we went to the vets for a check-up she was apparently shivering really bad. Dr. McGuire told us to go and get a doggie sweater or something to keep her warm. When I put it on her, she just sat there for almost five minutes just staring at me and waiting for me to take it off her. When I just sat there watching her, she tried to get someone else to take it off her. No one did, and for the rest of that night she sat downstairs sulking and probably trying to get it off. She seems to have given up on getting off by now, and she doesn't mind it as much. I just think it's funny that Lola is the only one (I think anyway) that has gotten a Christmas sweater this year. The only one that doesn't need to wear clothes gets a sweater for Christmas!
I wonder what I'm getting for Christmas. I'm pretty sure that I won't get the one thing I want most, just because my parents don't want to be nice and relieve my suffering. I swear, if I don't get a cell phone soon, I will get stranded somewhere all alone, and then I will die because I couldn't call anyone to come and save me. Mom, Dad, I hope you're reading this.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I know that I am posting very often now, and i just wanted you to know that I will be posting at least twice a week from now on for my Journalism class. This is just about random things in my life, but they have to be "Phippen appropriate", So I won't be able to write about either my "sex life, or any nefarious activity." Too bad, huh? I know you will miss it.
With Chrstmas coming up, I need money. Badly. And I happen to not have any. If any of you will be seeing me in the last week, you could donate to the cause... I managed to clean the tubs yesterday and make $3, but I need at least thirty to get everything I want to get for various people in my life.
Usually in my family we just get a small present for all the kids in my family, but this year we decided to draw names. I got Pwee, and I know a few things I want to get him, but I don't have nearly enough money. Watty got me, and I basically have no idea what he is getting me, but I guess I will find out next week, ,won't I?
So, until next post.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bored Times 10

So, I'm sitting in Journalism right now with nothing to do. I still have about a half hour left to go and I'm sitting in the corner dying of boredom. So I just wanted to write something random before I go.
Once of these next days is Christmas. I don't have money for presents, so everyone's presents will be probably all nice and cheapo. Just for whoever gets a present from me, sorry. But I'll try to get you a good present anyway.
Oh my gosh, I'm going to die if something doesn't happen soon! I wish I could check myself out, come back for A3 and then leave again in time for math. In my next class I get to learn about babies from conception to birth, possibly watching "The Miracle of Birth" along the way. None of my friends are in that class, so you can imagine the wonderful awkwardness.
After that I have history, which sounds lame, but a bunch of my friends are in that class, and the teacher is funny, so it's ok. After that, lunch, and then: Math (dramatic music playing in the background) We even have a test today! *sarcasm* I am so pumped *sarcasm*!
Someone save me!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Emily needs...

Here is a list of stuff that came up when I searched "Emily Needs." I thought it was pretty awesome.
Emily needs to give Tim food in Social Studies today.
Emily needs a job.
Emily needs to run free.
Emily needs to be told, "No, there are certain things that are just NOT allowed."
Emily needs eating companions around noon on Wednesday.
Emily needs advice.
Emily needs to get her tortillas on Vimeo. (I have no clue what this is...)
Emily needs help deciding how to cut her hair.
Emily needs glasses. (Well, I have some, but I need a new pair)
Emily needs a new chain.
Emily needs background.
Emily needs 4 infusions now.
Emily needs numbers.
Emily needs aesthetics.
Emily needs a lift.
Emily needs to get off the gas.
Emily needs all the people at the table and all the card on the table with her in the middle to decide.
Emily needs a series of exemptions to Harvard’s administrative rules.
Emily needs to have a fly sheet & mask on, and have her tail wrapped during the summer due to the itch.
Emily needs assistance with dressing, eating, toileting and personal hygiene, as well as structure and monitoring for her activities.
Emily needs prayer.
Emily needs your help.
Emily needs to wear green every single day.
Emily needs a "tune-up."
Emily needs a family who will give her love and guidance, yet allow her to have a degree of independence.
Emily needs to help herself every now and then.
Emily needs to learn about responsibilities, and a hard lesson it is.
Emily needs your prayers and good wishes, too.
Emily needs to be with other monkeys.
Emily needs to be saved.
Emily needs a forever family.
Emily needs to win.
Emily needs no special assistance to work in lab practical classes.
Emily needs to be read as part of the American gothic tradition.
Emily needs to explain more thoroughly how writers create effects through their choice of images and details.
Emily needs untruths and lies to make her sound innocent.
Emily needs to use her skills to affect some tangible change in the world.
Emily needs to find a better mood to be in as this one is winding me up more ;)
Emily needs a wheelchair just to navigate her nursing home in Orange.
Emily needs to focus.
Emily needs possible surgery to remove and replace some vessels.
Emily needs to be nicer to you.
Emily needs to reclaim her life.
Emily needs to get out more.
Emily needs some kin people around.
Emily needs to get over herself.
Emily needs to know exactly what the girls want when she and Richard "kick the bucket."
Emily needs a qualifying time of 59.19; her time is now 59.57 in the 100 butterfly.

So, I thought it was an intense list there, and some of those are pretty strange. But funny, anyway.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I am sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything. I'm sure the suspense has been terrible. I have done quite a lot since I last spoke to you all. I went on millions of vacations over the summer. I wished I could just have had some free time to myself, but I guess that is just not possible when you are me. I also started high school. Just last friday was our homecoming game. We lost, but not before I had seen many of my old junior high friends that had gone to the enemy school. It was the most crazy of all of our games so far, and my friend and I were planning to go and kick the other teams players in the shins if we hadn't scored by the last five minutes. That was the plan made after our first plan, which was that I would go and tackle their biggest guy, and she would rip the ball from our player's grasp and run it in. I'm certain it would have worked, but I'm not so sure about everyone else's reactions.
So, in general, life is ok. Homework is crazy (I have some even now that is waiting to be done), and school is mostly good. There are a few weird things though. For example, at the stomp that was after one of our first games, my friend Nicole and I were standing there, not really dancing at that point in time, and this guy who we didn't know at all came up with a bandana and hooked it around me and Nicole and started dancing insanely. Nicole and I had no idea what to do as we were flung from side to side, way to close for comfort to this stranger, and spun recklessly about. After an eternity, he let us go and disappeared into the crowd. Later, he jumped into the middle of me, Nicole and Tiffany and doing something that could hardly be considered dancing, more like wild flailing. We had of course told Tiffany about this guy, and even pointed him out. She nearly had a heart attack when he came close and fell backwards with a wail. Nicole and I merely exchanged an exasperated glance and sat it out until he had moved on to other poor, unsuspecting young women. Later, of course, I noticed that the same guy was in my chemistry class. Naturally, Mr. Rassmussen moved him to sit right next to me. I don't know if he remembered me, but I certainly remembered him. I tried to ignore him as much as possible, answering when he asked me a direct question, but never talking to him more than was absolutely necessary. He still sits by me and bothers me quite as much as before.
Isn't my life wonderful?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

More Technical difficulties!!!!

AAAARGH! Stupid remodeling of Blogger, or whatever happened. I just spent like an hour trying to sign in to my blog, and I had to get Pwee's help. It was excruciating. I also had to work out my new email address ( with this blog. It took forever, but I guess it was worth it, to calm your fears of never hearing from me again. I'm sure you all were just lying awake at night, just shaking at the thought of never reading another post from my amazing blog. Take a deep breath, and sleep easily, knowing that hopefully all the computer problems have been worked out by now. I'm sure you are sobbing right now with pure joy and happiness. I plan to post again soon, and now that it is summer I have much more time on my hands. I'm still incredibly busy, what with all my admirable hobbies, and by inspiring work effort at the vet's office that I now volunteer at. I know, though I have many activities clamoring for my attention, I can find the time to write to all you people that are hanging on my every word. On a completely unrelated subject, I went to Arizona this weekend. I hope to post again in greater detail and with pictures.

These are a few pictures of some of my friends on the last day of school. In descending order from the top, they are Maddie, Alex, Brianne, Nicole, and Chante. They are all pretty cool, as you can see from the pictures. No, they really are cool, no matter how wierd the pictures are. So yeah, I'll write more soon.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Technical Difficulties

Jeez! My stupid, horrible old computer has been leaving me dumbfounded these past few weeks. I have been unable to reach my blogging account to give you more worthless details of my life! I'm sure you were all quite distraught at this abandonment. I apologize for leaving you all, no doubt causing tears of sorrow, rage and hopelessness.
Anyway, Pwee helped me sort out the problem. So here are some more specifics about what has been happening since my last post. For a while, I was struggling with what high school to go to. The choice was between T-wolves and UCAS (I don't know if they have a mascot...). After much deliberation, I decided to be a T-wolf.
Avalyn has been getting quite massive. She makes screeching noises and is rolling around everywhere. She occasionally looks ready to crawl. If you hold her hands and stand her up on an open space, she will walk. Pretty much all she needs is balance. And to stop randomly collapsing.
All the rest of us are well. Nothing else that exciting has been happening recently. So there is your update. You can dry your tears now.
By the way:

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I understand that it has been a while since I last posted to everyone. But now i would like to share some pics of Avalyn, who has at least doubled in size and
gotten 4 times chubbier.
These ones were on Christmas eve, as you can imagine.

Compare the two pictures above. She is at least 3 times chubbier. That was 2 months ago. Think how she must be now...