Monday, December 21, 2009


So, I seem to be the only one in my entire Journalism class that already has a blog, so I am incredibly bored right now as I sit here messing around while they all make blogs.
One of these days I need to get enough sleep. I have been getting eight hours or less for about two weeks now. Good thing Christmas Break is in two days, then I can sleep in. If my mom wakes me up, I will not be happy.
I can't really think of much to write about today, so this post will probably be pretty boring. I am also super tired, so it could get weird.
So, we bought my dog Lola a sweater after her surgery because when we went to the vets for a check-up she was apparently shivering really bad. Dr. McGuire told us to go and get a doggie sweater or something to keep her warm. When I put it on her, she just sat there for almost five minutes just staring at me and waiting for me to take it off her. When I just sat there watching her, she tried to get someone else to take it off her. No one did, and for the rest of that night she sat downstairs sulking and probably trying to get it off. She seems to have given up on getting off by now, and she doesn't mind it as much. I just think it's funny that Lola is the only one (I think anyway) that has gotten a Christmas sweater this year. The only one that doesn't need to wear clothes gets a sweater for Christmas!
I wonder what I'm getting for Christmas. I'm pretty sure that I won't get the one thing I want most, just because my parents don't want to be nice and relieve my suffering. I swear, if I don't get a cell phone soon, I will get stranded somewhere all alone, and then I will die because I couldn't call anyone to come and save me. Mom, Dad, I hope you're reading this.

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