Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Eventful life....

Well, lots has happened. I will start at the beginning of the most interesting stuff, I guess. One of them is I went on my first date a few weeks ago. We went to the haunted forest and had lots of fun. You know what I have decided is gross? Random people in costumes breathing on you. In case yoou couldn't guess, that is what happened. Multiple times. I suppose most people would back off if they had a mummy or a werewolf or a zombie or something about a milimeter away from their face, but I refused. And therefore, when they made their noises (growling, ragged breathing, etc.) it was into my face. And while all I could smell was their costumes (mostly rubber and fake blood and whatnot) who really wants anyone breathing in their face?
Then I suppose I should mention this past Saturday. Some of you might know that it was the sadies dance. For our day date the plan was to go laser tagging then go back to my house and carve pumpkins. Then we were supposed to go back to our houses and change into our costumes and meet once again at my house for dinner and then go to the dance. It all went as planned until we were driving back from laser tag and were turning left onto a street that goes to my house. We turned in front of a car. It didn't even slow down as it hit us head on. We slid back about 20-30 feet and were spun around 180 degrees. However, no one was hurt, we all got out of the car and stood there while the police officer (who had just happened to have been driving through the intersection at the time) came and started asking us questions. We were allowed to go into the Auto Zone near us and wait out of the rain. And since I was trying very hard not to cough or laugh because it freaking hurt to, I wasn't breathing like I normally would be. But oh well. I couldn't hold back the coughs forever and it felt like I did some serious internal damage to some internal organs.... But I didn't, as far as I know.
Anyways, after we talked to the paramedics/police/frantic parents we all went back to my house and carved pumpkins. Except Nicole and her cousin, who went home to talk to her parents. Then we finished that and sat in my living room for a while, trick-or-treated all around my cul de sac, and then we had dinner. My dad grilled steaks and my mom made rolls and Tiffany brought drinks and funeral potatoes (Oh, the irony) and Nicole brought a salad and dessert.
Then after that everyone was driven around to go change into their costumes. If you really want to see them (Trust me, you do) then they are on facebook and you can go find them. Tiffany and Tyler's costume was hilarious, so was Nicole and Jordan's and Brittany and Michael's. Mine was pretty intense as well.
After everyone was suited up, we went to the dance. Since our schedule had been so delayed, we were only there for about 45 minutes or maybe an hour. But it was still super fun and I am glad I went.
The car accident was probably one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me. Both cars were totalled and we are all very bruised. I have huge bruises all across my waist where I was thrown into the seatbelt (we were all wearing one) and I am pretty much sore all over. But yeah. Anyways. If you really want to know more, come find me. Or facebook will work or something.

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