Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Adventures of Em and Tiff Episode 3

Well, this episode actually happened about a week or two ago. But oh well. It was another time when we actually did something with our lives.
  1. Tiff comes and picks up Em.
  2. They go pick up Micah.
  3. They all go to Allan's house.
  4. We meet Allan's parents and once again Em is told that she looks like Julia Stiles (just a few days after Em told Tiff that her Seminary class last year had said she looked like her) by Allan's mom.
  5. They all wait for Allan's PG friend Brannen to come.
  6. Brannen comes and Tiff and Em meet him for the first time.
  7. Tiff, Em, Micah, Allan and Brannen go to Ridley's and get 3 poster papers.
  8. They all go back to Allan's house and make "Free hugs" signs. Tiff and Em share one, Brannen and Micah cut one in half and Allan gets his own.
  9. Allan spills milk on his.
  10. Allan doesn't want it to smell like milk so he sprays it with cologne.
  11. Em and Tiff smell the poster then agree that he will get the most hugs.
  12. Em, Tiff, Micah, Allan and Brannen go back to Ridley's with our signs. No one gets any hugs.
  13. Allan is very aggressive with his sign.
  14. We all go to Macey's, hoping for better luck. We each get a few hugs.
  15. We go to the mall, thinking that there will be more young people that need hugs there.
  16. We get a ton of hugs.
  17. The mall cop comes up to us and tells us that we can't have signs. :(
  18. We go outside and walk around the long way back to the car.]
  19. We get lots of hugs outside.
  20. One girl yanks on the emergency brake and leaps out of her car along with this guy and practically tackles Allan and then hugs each of us in turn.
  21. Tiff and Em get a hug from this creeper guy that deduced what school we went to from Em's sweatshirt and (unknowingly.... Probably) says Tiffany's street number. And asks what stakes we are all in.
  22. Allan, Micah and Brannen create an opening for escaping the creeper (He still had an arm around Em) and we leave him.
  23. They all go back to Allan's and debate forever about what to do next.
  24. They go to Em's house and pick up She's the Man.
  25. They go to Little Ceaser's and get pizza and crazy bread.
  26. They go back to Allan's house and eat pizza.
  27. They watch She's the Man.
  28. They sit in a comatose state until Micah gets up and hauls us all off the couch.
  29. Tiff falls off on the floor and fails at standing back up.
  30. They all wake up somewhat.
  31. Tiff, Em, and Allan drive Micah home. Brannen stays at Allan's house.
  32. Tiff, Em and Allan go back to Allan's house.
  33. Tiff, Em, Allan and Brannen sit in Allan's front room until 11:40ish.
  34. Tiff and Em say goodbye to Allan (Brannen mysteriously vanished) and give him a hug.
  35. Tiff drives Em home.
So yeah, that was one of our most epic days. Ever. It was hilarious. I hope you enjoyed it.

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