Friday, November 14, 2008

Marley and Me

This is like the saddest books I've ever read, but it is so good! I just finished it tonight, and I haven't cried since my guinea pig died in seventh grade (testimony meeting doesn't count, it wasn't sad crying) and I pretty much soaked my pillow+ a bunch of tissues. I still like the book a lot, and it is a true story, which is different than most of the books I read, which are fantasy, or whatever. But you all should read it. My dad loves it too, so a lot of different people would like this book, maybe even animal haters...(in my head right now I'm glaring at my mom). So anyway, read it people!


I know this is just a bit late, but halloween was awesome! I couldn't go trick-or-treating this year, but I did get to pass out candy to little kids. I sat out on the porch in a zombie costume (as seen in an earlier post) and pretended to be dead, and kids actually thought I was fake. I know I'm just so good at looking plastic, but still...
These two girls were standing in front of me debating wether or not I was real or fake. They were about 8 or 9, and seemed kind of bratty, so I chose them as my special victims. They were there for about 7 minutes, and after they had seen a few other people take some candy and get away unscathed, they finally just said "maybe we should just go get some candy." And without further ado, they stepped up onto the porch. They both had their hands in the bowl (which I had in my lap) when I jumped at them. They screamed like they were auditioning for a part in a horror movie, and jumped backward off the porch. It was great. Next year, I have plans for halloween...