Tuesday, October 5, 2010


So, remember how I had journalism last year and never had to do anything except on deadline days? Well, now I have yearbook and it is basically the same thing. So I have been reading Mylifeisaverage.com. If you have not read that site, do it. It has made my life and I don't know what I would do in this class without it. Certainly I would be very sad.
But anyways.
Chuck was on again yesterday, and it was fairly epic. It wasn't as good as some of them, but Chuck accidentally maybe kind of possibly proposed to Sarah. I don't really know. But Morgan lost Big Mike's ring that was meant for Morgan's mom, and it got swept down a vent in the floor, sending it down into castle where Chuck and Sarah were talking. He picked it up, ending up on one knee holding the ring out to Sarah. Then the episode ended.
I feel that this is totally unfair for me to have to wait an entire week to see what happens. I did get to see the preview, but still. All it said about that really was Morgan saying something about Sarah accidentally accepting Chuck's accidental proposal. Hmmmm...
So as you can imagine, my mind was pretty much blown. I am not in a very excited mood at the moment, so I am not freaking out too much, but still. They can't do that to me! I am going to watch it again with a couple of my friends later this week, probably, or maybe just the first episode, actually, but Grrrr! They can't just have Chuck accidentally propose after a ring falls from the sky and end it right there! They just can't do that! How am I ever going to survive?!

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