Monday, February 22, 2010


So, last Thursday we took a field trip for Journalism to UVU for a Journalism Conference thing... It was pretty intense. But the only problem was, it was on a really bad day. I had Drivers Ed, which wasn't that bad to miss, but my grade still dropped from an A- to a B+. Next I had History with Mrs. Kelley, which doesn't sound like it would be a big deal, but in fact on that very day there just so happened to be the end of unit WWI test. I missed it. My grade in that class dropped from an A- to a C+. Not really happy about that...
After that I had math. Yes, yes, dramatic music, and all that. Dun dun dun...
But it wasn't really too bad. Well, actually, shouldn't say anything, because I haven't been back there yet, and I know for sure that I missed at least one quiz and a homework assignment. I was already failing that class, and now it is worse. Crap.
But, I do have two homework assignments to turn in today, and that may bring it up a few percent. Not enough to fix it, of course, but maybe to help. All I need to do is take it up 15% or so, and it should switch over to a C-. Maybe Mr. Frost will take pity on me and help me out.
I can only hope.


Abby Savannah said...

good luck! i feel the exact same way.

Em said...

Thanks. You too, Abby.