Friday, January 29, 2010

Life in General

So, last night I went with my dad to a place called JCW's to eat. It was very good, even if I cheated somewhat in my heart-shaped food goal. I just didn't want to publicly disgrace myself by hacking at my hamburger with a plastic knife in the attempt to make it into a heart. So, forgive me, but no.
After that we went to a romantic comedy called Leap Year. It was a very good movie, and I liked it a lot. Even my dad liked it, even if it was kind of a chic flick. It was funny and cute, and if I can scrape together twenty or so bucks, I will buy it whenever it comes out. It is really too bad my mom couldn't come though, it was totally her type of movie. I had fun anyway, though.
I drove to school today. I never want to drive, but once my mom forces me into the car and I get out on the road it is not all that bad. Now that I've said that I will probably crash and kill us all, but I certainly hope not. That would be pretty depressing.
So, my life is alright nowadays. Today is my last day of 7 days of suffering, too! Yes!!

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