Thursday, July 10, 2008


I am really tired this morning. I couldn't fall asleep till like two in the morning. And of course, my mom chose today to wake me up early for no good reason at all! I asked her why, and she just said, "You should start getting up earlier or you will get tired and want to go to bed earlier. And you will be more tired in the day, too."
Ok, for one thing, why would she care if I wanted to go to bed earlier; and for another, how would she know if I tired during the day? Sleeping in is good for me. Mostly, I do almost everything I do at night, so I go to bed later and get up later. But for some strange reason, my mom thinks that I should go to bed later and get up earlier. Now she's telling me I will be more tired if I don't. How would I be more tired by getting more sleep? It makes no sense!
She just bugs the crap out of me with her "logic".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't even have logic!!!