Sunday, December 7, 2008


Isn't this just a beautiful picture? It is just so nice and normal. Fudepwee drew this picture. If you would like to see more, go to the link on the side of this page that says Pwee's artwork or something like that.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Marley and Me

This is like the saddest books I've ever read, but it is so good! I just finished it tonight, and I haven't cried since my guinea pig died in seventh grade (testimony meeting doesn't count, it wasn't sad crying) and I pretty much soaked my pillow+ a bunch of tissues. I still like the book a lot, and it is a true story, which is different than most of the books I read, which are fantasy, or whatever. But you all should read it. My dad loves it too, so a lot of different people would like this book, maybe even animal haters...(in my head right now I'm glaring at my mom). So anyway, read it people!


I know this is just a bit late, but halloween was awesome! I couldn't go trick-or-treating this year, but I did get to pass out candy to little kids. I sat out on the porch in a zombie costume (as seen in an earlier post) and pretended to be dead, and kids actually thought I was fake. I know I'm just so good at looking plastic, but still...
These two girls were standing in front of me debating wether or not I was real or fake. They were about 8 or 9, and seemed kind of bratty, so I chose them as my special victims. They were there for about 7 minutes, and after they had seen a few other people take some candy and get away unscathed, they finally just said "maybe we should just go get some candy." And without further ado, they stepped up onto the porch. They both had their hands in the bowl (which I had in my lap) when I jumped at them. They screamed like they were auditioning for a part in a horror movie, and jumped backward off the porch. It was great. Next year, I have plans for halloween...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Freakish Randomness

Theres a lot of meat on those bones, eh?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Auntie Em

Well, I'm officially an aunt now. My niece was born on September 20th at around 4:30 sometime. She was 6 lbs. 14 oz. and about 19 inches long. Her name is Avalyn Raye Turner. Pretty cool! Here are some pics of when we went to visit her and the parents in the morning. She seems to love people taking pictures of her.
Auntie Em and Avalyn.
Grandma and Grandpa holding the child.
Uncle Fudepee just looks ecstatic to have a niece.
Uncle Watty smiling and holding Avalyn.
Poor Mom. She had to have her naturally, 16 minutes after they got to the hospital.

Here's Dad and daughter!

Friday, September 19, 2008

School-what could be worse than that?

Around the same time that Fudepwee started school, I did too. Ugh. How gross. On A-days I have two of my three least favorite classes. They are Spanish and Geometry. Before that I have Biology and Art II. Those classes are ok. On B-days I have my other least favorite class. Geography. *sarchasm* How fun is that? *sarchasm* Then I have seminary, PE, then finally Honors English. I know what you're all thinking, "How could you ever get into an Honors class Em?" Well, it's not actually that hard. You just have to get the teacher to sign a small slip of paper (an "application"). And you also have to have good grades. But that is not all that hard. Anyone can do it if they try. Anyway, today we went on a hike up Battle Creek. My PE teacher, Ms. Avilla, said it would be and easy hike, flat, about three miles round trip. It turned out to be steep uphill on the way up, steep downhill on the way back, and about three miles each way. Hmm...
I wonder what her "steep uphill" is. Probably like, vertical or something. Well, at least it was a pretty hike. There was a really high waterfall we got to go past. At the little calm spot at the bottom we messed around in the water. I knelt down in the water and I couldn't feel my legs for a while. Icy water and all that, you know. When I got out, I still couldn't feel my legs, but I could feel every sharp rock under my bare feet. *sarchasm*Nice*sarchasm*. I forgot to bring my camera to the hike, though, unfortunately. So I have no pictures. Bye!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ditching Everyone for College!

Just so you all know, Fudepwee has ditched us all to go to college. This first picture is of Pwee at his new apartment. As you can see, he looks overjoyed to be there. Then after that one there is more of his apartment and various things in the city.

But we still hope Fudepwee will come home to visit soon!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I'm sorry I deserted you all for a while. As you can imagine, I have been doing some interesting things while I was gone though. For one thing, I went to girls camp (pictures on that some other day). I went camping at Smith and Morehouse, where we went fishing and stuff. We caught like 20000 fish! we only kept 4 though. We named them. Some of the ones we didn't keep are: Alfredo, Izak, Carlos, Jessica, Alex, Etc. The ones we kept were: Bobby, Mona, Otis and Jordan. (By the way, I didn't name Mona or Otis. It was my dad. Ugh! What horrible names! Oh well. I guess I can be glad my name isn't Mona. Gross.) . My dad grilled them up for us with some lemon pepper and butter and stuff. Since me and him are the only ones that like fish-plus we were the ones that went fishing-we got to have 2 trout each. Delicious!

Here is a last thought for you all.
I hope it cheered you up.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I am really tired this morning. I couldn't fall asleep till like two in the morning. And of course, my mom chose today to wake me up early for no good reason at all! I asked her why, and she just said, "You should start getting up earlier or you will get tired and want to go to bed earlier. And you will be more tired in the day, too."
Ok, for one thing, why would she care if I wanted to go to bed earlier; and for another, how would she know if I tired during the day? Sleeping in is good for me. Mostly, I do almost everything I do at night, so I go to bed later and get up later. But for some strange reason, my mom thinks that I should go to bed later and get up earlier. Now she's telling me I will be more tired if I don't. How would I be more tired by getting more sleep? It makes no sense!
She just bugs the crap out of me with her "logic".

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Well, guess what? Yesterday I got the same thing the rest of them had on Saturday. It is horrible. They were basically over it the next day. I am sort of better, but I get a huge headache when I stand up and still feel on the verge of collapse. I hope Fudepwee doesn't get it though. He left today to go on a ward campout type thing. Wouldn't that be fun if he got sick, then all the other boys and leaders got it from him? Quite a pleasant thought.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Nurse Em

I am (for now) nurse Em. Everyone in my family is sick, except for me, and Fudepwee, who went to work, and also Watty. So I am stuck taking care of everyone at home. Since I cannot drive, I cannot go anywhere, and also my duty to my family prevents me from doing such a thing. I am on the computer while the rest of them watch wierd shows on TV. When they need me I have to go do their will. Well, actually, I do it because I have nothing better to do. So, yeah, I am pretty bored right now, but hopefully I won't get sick too, because then no one would be able to do the nursing. Some of my theories for the sickness:
1. The hamburger at our family party was undercooked (I had a hot dog.)
2. My cousins Josh and Lexie were sick during the projector movie outside, and passed on their ailments.
3. Someone we were sitting near at fireworks last night was sick.
4. They all ate some other food that I didn't eat that had diseases or something.
5. They ate something that I did and I am just stronger.
6. This is just some random sickness going around.
Don't I have a fun day ahead of me?

Friday, July 4, 2008

Total Dweebs!

Happy Independance Day peeps! Anyway, I think these pictures speak for themselves. Enjoi them.