Thursday, April 29, 2010


I don't exactly know what to write about. So feel free to not read whatever random stuff is in this post.
Well, my brothers have officially left for the summer. It is very sad. And my sister and brother-in-law are moving to Wisconsin and taking their two cute children with them in a month or two. I am going to be completely alone with my parents. Joy.
Last night was my last Mutual as a Mia Maid. Wow, lots of M's there. But anyway, last night we decorated some journals for ourselves, and I have to say mine was just lovely.
I am also still scrambling to get everything figured out for my birthday party, which is on Saturday. My birthday is tomorrow. Craziness!
I also have a ton of other stuff left to do, but I am going to be stupid as usual and procrastinate as usual. :/

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Hate Today

I have decided that big projects need to die. Well, not just big projects. Homework in general. And Math. And half of my teachers. And getting up early. School should just die. And then maybe my parents would quit bugging me every five seconds about my grades... Hmmm.... I have finally had my best idea of the day. I will start planning the demise of school...
On one hand, I finally did my history project on Friday. I got 360/400 on it. I suppose that is pretty good. And also a little surprising, considering I did most all of it late at night when I was almost incomprehensible with tiredness. Well, miracles do happen, I guess.
But, I still have to finish Huckleberry Finn by tomorrow, which I am not even close to doing, do the worksheets I need for it. And by next Thursday I need to do my Spanish project. But I have to wait to do this until my friend Brianne also can. Which could be a while, since she is involved in just about everything. I am not even going to talk about Math. I have no doubt I will also get assigned about 80 more projects due in the next week or so..... *sigh*.....

Friday, April 23, 2010

Daughtry Concert

So, this might be a little weirder than normal, since I am running on about 2-5 hours of sleep. Sorry if it is, just try to ignore it.
Yesterday was the Daughtry concert that I have been super excited for for weeks. I went with my friend Nicole and her brother Andy, and my mom. First we walked across the street and ate at Applebees. It was pretty delish. During the meal there were like twenty TVs and most all of them were on different channels. The one most visible to me was a REALLY boring one about a few guys discussing the bad economy. If I had been watching it I would have died of boredom... There was also one that kept saying stuff like "Save the tigers!" and stuff like that for earth day. There was also the world's strongest man competition. We watched that whenever we weren't talking. It was pretty funny.
Then we went to the concert. It amazed me how many people were drinking. I wonder how many of them had to drive home after? I don't even want to know. But when it finally started, it was this weirdo opening band thing called Cavo. They weren't really bad, but I won't say they were good. After they finally left, Lifehouse came on. This was pretty amazing. I only have one of their songs, but I have wanted more for a while.
Then finally, Daughtry. I have to say, it was awesome. He was super good, and he sang tons of great songs. Well, I like most all his songs, so my opinion doesn't count. But it was SOOOOO awesome!!
Then we got home around midnight and I had to put the finishing touches on my history project. So, I didn't get a chance to sleep much. But it was totally worth it! Well, Daughtry and Lifehouse were, anyway.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

School Insanity

Well, my grades have basically gone back to sucking. I need to start actually doing my homework, that might help just a little bit.
Today I have to spend basically all day doing a huge history project that is due on Friday. I have to teach for 20ish minutes about a subject that she gave me. Of course I am on the second day possible. I could be in May sometime, but no, of course not.
If I manage to finish that, or get enough done that I could finish tomorrow, I have to read about a hundred fifty pages in my English book to get completely caught up. But I think the project that is worth 400 points is slightly more important than reading Huck Finn.
In other news, I am so excited for tomorrow! I am going to Daughtry's concert with my friends! It is going to be soooo fun! I love Daughtry, it is great music. Yaaayy!
I also either randomly developed allergies, or (much more likely) I have a cold (again). It really sucks how often I get colds. I think the last one I got I had about a month ago, or maybe less. So, today I get to sit here, trying and failing to breath through my nose, suppressing coughs, sounding like a bulldog when I breath, and sound like a man when I talk because of my deepened voice. Joy.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend of Insanity

This last weekend was by far the most crazy weekend I have had in a long time. I was planning to catch up on homework on Saturday, but I never expected to have absolutely no free time.
At 8:30, I had to get up for my ward's service project. We went to some old people's house in my ward and did a ton of yard work. Digging up superfluous grass and weeds out of flower-beds, mowing the lawn, etc. Even with all our like 15ish mia maids and 10ish teachers, plus all our leaders, it took most of the morning. After that we went back to one of the leader's house for chips and salsa. Then I went home and took a tiny break.
Then I remembered that I had to write a movie review for Journalism. I checked the paper, and found that the only show I could possibly go to started in about ten minutes. My dad took me to the movie. We barely made it on time. I am just glad there are previews for so long!
Then I had to go get my hair cut, and went straight from the person's house who did my hair to my friends house for her birthday party.
We were on a "cruise ship" and someone had stolen my friend's 2 million dollar necklace. We had all been given fake identities, and I was Gretel something-or-other. I was from Germany, I was 35, single, no kids, I was a mountain guide, and my talent was juggling. No, I cannot actually juggle. But after a long time trying to figure out who had stolen it, we found that it was another guy there, and he had hidden it in a pineapple.
Then we went to a stake dance that was by my friend's house, and it was pretty fun.
And that was pretty much a summary of my Saturday. Crazy, huh?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring break... Again.

Well, last week was spring break, if you couldn't figure that out by my last post. It was pretty awesome.
On Monday I went up to Ephriam during like the worst rainstorm of all time. We managed to get there in one piece, so we proceeded to my brothers' art show. They both had something in it. Shawn had a few colored pencil drawings of various creatures from horror movies and whatnot, and they were pretty awesome. He also had a video in. In the video, he danced around campus for 15 minutes. He danced around people, sometimes pretty close to them. It was pretty funny to watch them look at him, kind of laugh, and then try very very hard to ignore him, no matter what he was doing. His video won best in show, and he got $100 for it. Lucky!
Ryan also had in a video. His was very... Interesting. It was cool, but it grossed me out just a little bit. For 22 minutes he didn't blink, wipe his nose, or swallow. He just stared into the camera. Of course it was sped up, and it was kind of cool to watch all the people zooming by behind him, and him just sitting there, drooling, eyes watering, nose running, staring into the camera.
The next day I went up to my grandparent's house and my grandpa finally helped me finish the tree frog I have been making up there. Just for those of you who don't know my grandpa, he is an awesome woodworker. That is what we were making the frog out of. Maybe I will put a picture of it or something on here someday. If I remember.
On Wednesday, I hung out with my friends and watched Sky Dancers. I was Slam. He is one of the two guys on the show. Well, one of the two Sky Dancers anyway. Just don't ask.
On Thursday, I hung out with one of my friends that I haven't seen in years, but used to be my best friend. It was really fun.
On Friday I didn't do much. It was awesome.
On Saturday, I hung out with my friends again, and got gored by her bunny. Who knew bunnies both growled and got vicious when near their cages?
On Sunday, I went up to my grandparent's house again, to see them get set apart for their mission. They are going to Heber Valley Camp for their mission. It is a girls camp.
Then Spring Break was over. :.(

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break

I am so tired. I have had a crazy week. I had a math test on Wednesday, a Chemistry test yesterday (I still need to go in and finish it), and I have a history test today. Bleh. This is so uncool. I have also gotten less and less sleep every night this week trying to catch up on homework, mostly for history. I did get to do some cool things, like interview my grandpa about WWII, and whatnot. But I would rather have gone and talked to him in person. I didn't have any time that I could go and someone could drive me there.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ready for spring break, you have no idea. I am not going anywhere (as usual) but I do have some plans with one of my friends that I literally haven't seen in years. We used to be like pretty much best friends, then she moved up to Elk Ridge, and I used to hang out with her more, but not this time. I don't think I have seen her since 7th or 8th grade. It is pretty awesome, and we have been making plans....
So, the thought of spring break is basically the only thing keeping me alive this week. One more day! :D