Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Insanity Times 20,058

So, my life is insane at the moment. One person should only have so much insanity in their lives at once.
For one, Chuck is insane. You ma y have heard me raving about it before. There is a reason. That reason is that it is the greatest and most addicting show on earth. And the season/series is starting to draw to a close. Needless to say, it is starting to get more and more crazy. Loose ends from even the first season are starting to be tied in new and shocking ways. At the moment one of my least favorite "good guys" has taken the real good girl because she unknowingly killed his wife in her red test (one of the tests to become a spy - the killing test). The Ring (the bad guys) showed him the video of that night, and he has pretty much gone crazy. The last episode showed her and him driving away, and she is like, "Where are we going?" And he is like, "To settle an old score." The episode ends with a shot of his hand on the steering wheel, wedding ring right on top. I just about died. I recommend this show to anyone.
Another intense thing is the most recent Maximum Ride book. I read the whole 300+ book in just over an hour. My favorite character randomly left at the end and I don't know if he is coming back. All I have to say is: He'd better.
Then I had to stay up super late doing homework, and it is still not completely done. I have no idea what I am going to do. My head just might explode right in the middle of Drivers Ed. That would be attractive.
I just hope I can make it these three more days. Then, blessed relief. Spring Break will be here. *sigh*

Monday, March 29, 2010

Youth Conference

So, I went to youth conference this weekend. It was way fun. First we met at the church after school on Friday and drove up to Aspen Grove. That place is nice! They had said it was like a hotel, but they have a habit of exaggerating to make us want to come. I was expecting like girl's camp-type cabins with maybe electricity and a group shower facility or something. But each room had a nice bathroom with hot water for the shower, heating, queen-sized beds, room keys and everything!
After we got there we had a couple hours of free time. I wasn't expecting this, it doesn't usually happen at these type of things. So I had nothing to do. I just sat and talked to my roommates, Annie Fitt and Kristen Wheelhouse. But whatever. Then we ate dinner and went to the game room. That place was awesome. It had two foosball tables, two air hockey tables (even though one was broken), three pool tables, and two ping pong tables. I never got the chance to play pool, but I played air hockey with Annie (she totally dominated, but only because she has one at her house and I don't) and foosball (I won most of the time) and extreme ping pong. You might think I mean like around the world or something, but I don't. Extreme ping pong is when it doesn't matter how many bounces there are, if it is off the table, off the walls, off the face, etc. You can always hit the ball. It is a very intense game. I recommend it to anyone who doesn't like normal ping pong, and even those who do.
After that we heard Brad Wilcox speak to us. It was pretty hilarious. Then we went to a dance. I tried to get my friend Nicole to dance with this guy, but she avoided dancing with anyone. The only person she danced with was her brother, Andy. I danced with a few people, but no one specifically worth mentioning. Let it only be said that I cannot dance. One of the guys I danced with was in ballroom, and I have never taken dance in my life. I kept tripping, stepping on his feet and almost killing myself. I didn't know the guy, but my dancing skills are pretty much a guarantee that I never will.
The next day I went snowshoeing and did a bunch of other things, then we packed up and went home. Later I went to the General Young Women's Broadcast, after which I went home and changed, then came back to the stake center where the boys served us a lovely dessert. After that there was a magician. They always make me feel like I am missing something huge.
The next day we went to Music and the Spoken Word. Pres. Monson was there, and it was pretty awesome. Then we had our own little youth sacrament meeting, where there was more than an hour of youth testimonies (they even went overtime) and it was really cool.
After that I went home and took a long nap.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Last weekend me and my brothers filmed a movie about an old video game called Zombies Ate My Neighbors. It is a pretty intense little 80's/90's video game that was apparently pretty high tech back then, but it is just a little ghetto for nowadays.
I am not entirely sure why my brothers decided to make a video about this game, but they did, and they bribed me by taking me to Nickel City and letting me play games, and also paying for laser tagging as well. Twice. And they also left me the Wii this week.
In the above picture, I am player right and my brother Shawn is player left. He even dyed his hair blonde and got some old 3D glasses. We also got air-soft guns and spray painted them blue and red. He made the outfits too. The only thing you can't see in the picture is the lovely red shorts (I wore red sweats since I didn't have red shorts) and the red anti-sign thing. You know, the one that is over a cigarette when you say no smoking, or no pets, or whatever. It is on the back of the purple jacket. Their names are Zeke and Julie.
So, for all of you that ditched out on us on Saturday, just so you know, we had to find something else to do for it. But don't worry, it should work even without you. We had other people willing to be zombies for us.
Well, the movie will be pretty amazing. I will post the link for it soon (We will put it on youtube) and you can watch it if you have five or so minutes. Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What the Crap

I am wondering what the heck is going on with my blog. I cannot get it to stay on the page for more than 1-2 seconds before it redirects me to one of a few random pages. No matter how many times I type in my blog it comes up, before I have enough time to click on anything, the computer takes me to a page that has nothing to do with anything on my blog. I don't know if any other computers do this, or if anyone else tried to do it it would work, but it is really bugging me. Any other page except the main one. Ugh.
I stayed up way past midnight last night doing homework, and it is still not done. Someone kill me now. Please. I still didn't get everything done. But one assignment isn't my fault, not all the way, anyway. My grandpa didn't email me back the answer to the questions I asked him for history. But I admit, it is probably my fault that I didn't email him until last night.
I hate today. And yesterday. And last week. And probably this week. *bangs head against wall*

Friday, March 19, 2010

End of Term Madness

Truly, March has started to get very mad... The end of the term is today, and I am flipping out because I have so much homework that I have to get done, and some things that I really should have but didn't (I am now suffering the consequences) and a few teachers that I need to beg for one more day from. My life always gets super crazy around the end of the term and there is no help for it except try to make it through alive. Once I am past the end there is usually another week of just a little bit of last-minute craziness, then it cools down a little bit and I have some breathing room. I only hope I will make it to that point. I have two assignments for English that I am missing, or I will get an I, and one other thing that I have to fix in that class. I am also missing one or two things in math, which I really hope he will let me turn in on monday. I currently have a 68% in math, but I looked in my bag a little bit ago and realized that there was an assignment due today. I also didn't turn in the last one. Crap.
But good news for that class is that I got my grade on the test up from a 55 to an 83. Hence the 68% grade in the class.
Yesterday I got home and we randomly went to the zoo, which I had no previous knowledge of. It was pretty cool, since we only saw like ten other people total, because it had been sprinkling, but stopped about an hour or so before we left. Not all the animals were out for that reason, but on the other hand, we could actually see the ones that were there instead of trying vainly to see over the heads of people that are about a foot taller than some of us...
I still think that when we are all gathered around something, the taller people who can easily see over the heads of us short people should move over a little bit. Especially for me. I am 5' 3'', and most guys are around 6' somewhere, give or take. But they are right up there in an unbreakable wall in front of whatever I try to see. It is the same for many of my friends that are short like me. Maybe I should send around a petition.
So, my life is pretty insane right now, and I have gotten a few hours less of sleep than I should have.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


As some of you may know, I don't really watch a lot of TV. As maybe more of you know, I do watch Chuck. AKA the greatest and most addictive show that exists. As of Monday, I have been freaking out. Something horrible has happened. Casey, my favorite character, committed treason (might I add for a good reason... Wow that rhymed... I totally didn't mean to...) and was dismissed from being a spy and is now a civilian! If you have ever seen the show, you know that that cannot work. Casey is obviously not a civilian. He is too fond of guns and hurting people. AHHH!!!
I also watch American Idol. I must say I am disappointed with this year's contestants. I only really like three or four of them. Maybe five. But there are 12 of them! They should all be good to have made it this far. I am slightly irritated that the guy with the baby mullet ( I think his name was Alex) was kicked off instead of the guy with the neck tattoo (Andrew). The other guy was better and had a better voice and chose better songs, and he was just better in general. The other guy is nice enough, but he is kind of weird and has a weird voice and chooses VERY weird songs. He is just weird in general.
The season before last was totally better than this one. It had David Cook, David Archuleta, and many, many other and better artists than most of the people this season. However, this season Lee Dwyze (totally probably spelled that wrong), Siobhan Magnus, and Crystal Bowersox are very good. I am kind of leaning toward Lee, just because I have never been a fan of girl singers. Don't ask me why.
I also kind of like Tim Urban, and Aaron Kelley. They are alright. Better than a lot of the people on now, anyway.
Ok, those are my feelings on the only two shows that I actually watch regularly. Sorry if you didn't understand my ravings, just ignore it if you didn't.
Wow, this is long. Sorry.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I can't seem to stop yawning today. It is also making my eyes water, helping my contacts but not my mascara. If you see me today with some random black streaks under my eyes, you could tell me if you are feeling nice. Or if you are feeling like most people in the world, you could just laugh at me and walk away. Its ok. I would understand. Another problem with that is that yawning is contagious, so now the people around me are yawning, therefore sending it back to me, and so on and so forth. It is an incurable curse. *yawn*...
I am still ranging. I haven't even touched a cone yet. I really hope saying that hasn't jinxed anything or anything, since tonight is the actual test part of it. Hmm... Maybe I should delete what I just wrote up there. Oh well. I already said it, so it is too late now. Plus I am just lazy. My last two partners have been Jake Mecham and this kid named Koi, but I don't know if that is how you spell it, or even what his last name is. They have both been pretty nice, but last night with Koi it was really awkward. We didn't say anything at all until 7:30, then we said about a sentence each (to learn each other's names) by 8:00 or so. Then we finally started talking more, and by the end of the night it was slightly less awkward. It is just kind of bad to sit in a car for a half hour in dead silence. Well, I guess there was a radio, but you couldn't tell if it was country, metal, or the instructor guy talking. It kind of sucked. But it was pretty fun with Jake. I hadn't ever talked to him before, but he has been in my math class like a seat or two away all year. He is pretty cool.
But yeah, I just hope I don't drag any cones tonight, like my friend Tiffany did a night or two ago.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Testing... Testing... 1, 2, 3... Testing.

So, I have at least one test today, most of which I am probably going to fail, as it is a math test. Hopefully we will have one of our review of the review paper days (which, yes, it has happened) and take the test on Thursday. I really hope. Then maybe my grade will raise itself slightly! Yay! Just kidding, it probably won't. :(
In other news, I am ranging this week for Driver's Ed. Yesterday I went and I was put in a car with Ben Cheney. He is a very... Um.... Interesting person. But he is not a bad driver, he even did the 8 drill without her yelling at him. He did run over the bottom of one cone, but it didn't fall over. I am not sure why he was put with me, since I am a one and they usually put 1 with a 3 or a 2. 1 is the best, by the by. I am not quite sure why I was rated a 1. I did the H drill in my pre range and I hit a cone, but it was only with my side mirror, and it didn't fall over, so maybe that is why.
But last night I didn't hit any cones, and she only talked to me the first time I did the H drill, and it was pointless. I was in a perfect position, and all she told me to do was pull up and back up again. I pulled up about an inch, and then backed up again, and I didn't even come close to hitting a cone. I think Mrs. Freestone needs her eyes checked....

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Well, I had been catching up on sleep these past few weeks, and I was getting so excited, but then this week, I have been going to bed later and later. Today I had to get up an hour earlier than normal. Joyous day. So, if you see me at any point in time today trying to fight sleep, just ignore me. I can be dangerously unstable when I am tired. Hence the trying to catch up.
Also, my grade in math has not really improved. It is now at a 63%, and that is still an F. I think it is a 70% or something. I will try. But unfortunately that will be hard since I failed the test twice (I got 2 points less the second time... Hmmm), and also failed basically all of the quizzes.
Some of the people in my carpool are ALWAYS late, and it is really starting to bug me. They didn't even open their garage until 7:30, and the two kids didn't come out until 7:35. Then we still had to go pick up Justin, and then drive to Timp. We didn't get there until about 7:40, and almost as soon as I walked in the door, the bell rang. I have yet to go to my locker to get all my crap for Driver's Ed and History and drop off my Math book. Maybe I will go in a couple minutes.
So, my life is pretty much an epic sigh today... *sigh*...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chapstick Saves Lives

People call it by many names: a juicer, lip gloss, lip balm, etc. I myself call it simply: Chapstick. I have decided that I might just die if chapstick (the cherry ice kind) had never been invented. Sometimes I just feel horrible with cracked and dry lips. Chapstick can fix it. In winter, when I am out working in the bitter cold, the icy wind blowing on my face, I can barely open my mouth for fear that my lips will rip wide open. In circumstances like these, I whip out m chapstick and put some on. It feels so much better afterwards. I can talk, bite, yawn, and scream without having to worry about cracked lips. What more could you want?

This random commercial for chapstick brought to you by Emily Pratt.
Its ok. I don't know either.