So, in general, life is ok. Homework is crazy (I have some even now that is waiting to be done), and school is mostly good. There are a few weird things though. For example, at the stomp that was after one of our first games, my friend Nicole and I were standing there, not really dancing at that point in time, and this guy who we didn't know at all came up with a bandana and hooked it around me and Nicole and started dancing insanely. Nicole and I had no idea what to do as we were flung from side to side, way to close for comfort to this stranger, and spun recklessly about. After an eternity, he let us go and disappeared into the crowd. Later, he jumped into the middle of me, Nicole and Tiffany and doing something that could hardly be considered dancing, more like wild flailing. We had of course told Tiffany about this guy, and even pointed him out. She nearly had a heart attack when he came close and fell backwards with a wail. Nicole and I merely exchanged an exasperated glance and sat it out until he had moved on to other poor, unsuspecting young women. Later, of course, I noticed that the same guy was in my chemistry class. Naturally, Mr. Rassmussen moved him to sit right next to me. I don't know if he remembered me, but I certainly remembered him. I tried to ignore him as much as possible, answering when he asked me a direct question, but never talking to him more than was absolutely necessary. He still sits by me and bothers me quite as much as before.
Isn't my life wonderful?